• REALTOR Ray Holtzapple up for re-appointment to HCAD Board


    At the November 20, 2013 Houston City Council Committee on Ethics, Elections, and Council Governance, Councilman Larry Green withdrew his nominee, Jasmine Quinerly, from consideration for appointment to the Harris County Appraisal District, Position 4. Councilman Oliver Pennington submitted Ray Holtzapple’s name for consideration, and there was unanimous support for Ray’s reappointment for another two-year term.

    Committee Chairman C. O. “Brad” Bradford invited Ray to give an update to the Council Members assembled at the meeting held in the Council Chambers (photo attached). After Ray’s update, Chairman Bradford recognized me in the audience and commented about receiving the HAR Board of Directors letter of support for Ray’s reappointment. HAR’s Dana Kervin joined Ray at the microphone and thanked the Council Members for their support.

    The matter will now go to the Houston City Council for their consideration in December. The HAR Governmental Affairs Team will monitor the weekly agenda for this item and provide you with an update. The HAR Governmental Affairs Team wants to thank all the Executive Committee and Directors for your quick response to the letter of support for Ray’s reappointment to HCAD.


  • How Metro Let an International Design Competition for Houston’s New Central Station Go Down the Drain (Swamplot)


    WONDERING WHATEVER HAPPENED to the competition entries from architects competing for the new Main St. light rail station planned for the block between Capitol and Rusk streets downtown, where the new East End and Southeast Lines cross the existing rail line? After a long silence about the project, Metro board members voted yesterday to scrap the plan for a signature station at that location, and to spend $1.05 million to build a standard canopy there instead.

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